

December 11-13, 2005
An International Conference and Exhibition under the aegis of IEEE India Council
Organized by IEEE – Madras Section


General Chair

Rajendra K. Asthana

Organizing Committee Chair

Suresh Chander Pal P


Gowri Sri

Kamalakkannan T.V

Kamalakkannan T.V Ponnavaikko M

Ramanathan K

Rangarajan T.S

Srinivasan R

Program Committee Chair

Srinivasan S


Amitava DasGupta

Chandra Sekar C

Chidambaram M

David Koilpillai R

Geetha T. V

Gonsalves T. A

Gunasekaran N

Harishankar Ramachandran

Jagadeesh Kumar V

Kamakoti V

Kannan S.R

Karmalkar S

Krishna Vasudevan Mehatha

Muthukrishnan C. R

Rama Subba Reddy M

Salivahanan S

Sarathi R

Udaykumar K

About the Conference

IEEE India Council has been holding an Annual Conference and Exhibition (ACE) at different locations in India. From 2004, ACE is rechristened as IEEE INDICON. The IEEE Kharagpur Section organized IEEE INDICON 2004. This year, IEEE Madras Section is organizing the IEEE INDICON 2005, an International Conference and Exposition under the aegis of IEEE India Council. The venue of the conference is IIT Madras, Chennai. As in the past, the Conference will provide a forum for scientists, educators and practicing engineers to meet and exchange ideas and explore new avenues of research and cooperation. Apart from the presentation of contributed papers peer reviewed by an international panel of reviewers, INDICON 2005 will also feature tutorials, exhibitions and invited talks by pioneers in the field.

Theme of the Conference

The conference will focus on “Emerging Trends in Electrical, Electronics and Information Technologies


Original contributions reporting results of research and development are solicited on topics covered under the broad areas of Power Systems and High Voltage, Power Electronics and Drives, Control and Instrumentation, Microelectronics and VLSI, Fiber Optics and Optical Communication, Wireless Technologies, Biomedical Systems, Communication Systems and Signal Processing, Computer Communication Networks, Pervasive Computing, Computational Intelligence and Robotics, and Software Engineering. Prospective authors are requested to submit their full papers, not exceeding four pages, prepared in the two-column IEEE format, which is available in the conference website. All papers should be submitted “on-line” at the conference website Accepted papers will be published in the proceedings of the conference, provided at least one of the authors registers, attends and presents the paper.

Important Dates

Receipt of full papers July 15, 2005 Intimation of acceptance August 15, 2005
Last date for Registration (for at least one author to ensure publication) August 30, 2005
Registration Fees
Indian Delegates
Foreign Delegates
IEEE Members
Rs. 2000
US$ 200
Rs. 3000
Rs. 750
US$ 75


In response to the number of requests from the prospective Authors, the INDICON 2005 Committee is happy to extend the deadlines as hereunder
 Receipt of full papers August 15, 2005
 Intimation of acceptance September 15, 2005
  Last date for Registration (for at least one author to ensure publication) September 15, 2005

For more details visit


IEEE Madras Section
ISTE Professional Center,
Gandhi Mandapam Road
Chennai 600 025, India
Ph: 91 44 2442 3939
Mobile: 93823 28776
FAX: 91 44 2442 3939
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